Form1 DDE Test Utility Form1 ddename Label5 Shell Mode Label1 Program Name List1 ddepath Label2 ddetopic Label3 Topic ddeitem Label4 ddeexecute Label7 Execute Command Label6 Result DDEField Command1 Command2 Cancel Form_Click IsAppLoaded appname windowstylex @ Form_Load windowstype windowstyl Form1 List1 Text3_Change Command1_Click ddename Text, ddepath ListIndex NONEl DDEField LinkTopic ddetopic LinkMode LinkItem ddeitem ddeexecute Command2_Click pathname topic execute loadapp restart DDE_NO_APPJ Form_Load 1 - Normal with Focus" 2 - Minimized with Focus 3 - Maximized with Focus 4 - Normal without Focus 7 - Minimized without Focus" Command1_Click You must enter an application name." You must enter a pathname. You must enter a topic." Error :" Command2_Click